The Magic Fruit


EP. 03

This proposal invites the visitor to imagine what it might be like to be engulfed in the magical world of trees.

What a small insect inside a piece of fruit may be experiencing as it burrows through the flesh of a peach swaying far above the ground? Or what a tree looks like from the perspective of its fallen fruit?

What feelings of wonder could be opened up through changing our entire perspective? What if we could detach ourselves from our conditioned rational thinking and strive to understand and take in the world through an unknown eye?

The magic fruit strives to act as a host for the awakening of the undiscovered senses and invite it’s visitors to crawl, sit, feel, listen, look, play and hopefully come away with an understanding of being another, whether it be microscopically small, breathtakingly big or operating with limited or different senses.

The interior of the fruits act as tactile galleries that play with scale and have unusual protruding shapes that mimic textures found on the inside of fruits and seed pods. The openings in the fruit provide windows of an altered perspective to the world outside. Our team of multidisciplinary artist work with re-purposed and natural materials to achieve a truly magical and playful experience..


The Wash House